Friday, August 13, 2010

Weebly - Website for the Classroom

Weebly are free sites which can be easily used by the creator. Weebly websites can be created in a matter of minutes without any programming knowledge. The fast and attractive results achieved using Weebly greatly contributed to the intrinsic motivation to make a website (Huisman & Sjoer, 2007).

This is a screen shot of my web-page

I was astounded by how easy this site was to use and edit. Because I felt I was being swamped by useful educational web-site resources during lectures, from peers and at my prac I decided to use my Weebly website as a collation of all of these resources. To view my Weebly web-page click here
I have also added a link so others can email me with their educational websites. It would be great if you had time to contribute. Go to the 'more' option followed by the 'suggestions' tab on the task-bar or just click here


  1. Hi Anna,
    I had a look at your website a few days ago - WOW! What a great idea for a site - a collection of links to other relevant sites. This is a great tool for your classroom - saves all that surfing time and that awful red stop sign that kids hate so much! Added it to my Favourites and will be happy to send you new links as I find them. Well done! Kim

  2. Hi Anna,
    I too agree with Kim. You have created a website that I will be saving so that I too can access the information after the conclusion on this course. Sometimes I feel as though there is an information overload and your website assists in making the journey a little clearer.
    Well done
