Digital video applications such as Widows Movie Maker are a fantastic tool for students of all ages to communicate their understandings in a fun and creative way. I have used Movie Maker throughout some of my schooling and really enjoyed using this application as a student and can't wait to incorporate this great software into my unit plans as a teacher. It allows students at all levels of development to create, present, communicate, summarize, evaluate information in a fun and interesting way. It also allows students to experiment with technology and builds their understandings of these tools.
The classroom application for programs such as Movie Maker are endless! They may include, but are not limited to:
Assessment tasks, such as information reports
Term diaries for lower grades with pictures
Recount of what happened on the holidays
Science procedures
Information for parents (have movie maker playing when parents come to pick up their children from school)
I have embedded two Movie Maker Movies that I have created. The first one was for a school assignment.
The second movie I created was for a job application to demonstrate my skills with ICT.
*** All the material used for the production of this video are copyrighted and owned by their original artists and labels; UMG, SONY, WMG, EMI. I own nothing. This video has entertainment purposes only! ***
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